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HomeAfricaAfrica Scientist and University History, Philosophy, Theology Rankings 2021

Africa Scientist and University History, Philosophy, Theology Rankings 2021

Total 175 scientist, 13 country, 57 university

AD Scientific Index – 2021 H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total

73 88 24728 Achille Mbembe University of the Witwatersrand History, Philosophy, Theology / History

African politics|history|colonialism|race|enlightenment|
60 49 0.817 196 145 0.740 36481 21391 0.586

119 155 37286 John Parkington University of Cape Town History, Philosophy, Theology / History

rock art|shell middens|human evolution|South African Prehistory|San hunter gatherers|
53 25 0.472 120 80 0.667 8204 2830 0.345

18 363 66662 Henry Adekunle University of Ibadan History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy

42 28 0.667 91 71 0.780 5440 2919 0.537

34 612 91313 Isaac Olawale Albert University of Ibadan History, Philosophy, Theology / History

African history|peace and conflict studies|gender studies|
36 27 0.750 130 89 0.685 5488 3131 0.571

126 788 106872 Walled Saleh Assiut University History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology

33 31 0.939 61 57 0.934 8072 3888 0.482

35 921 118899 Litim Aissa
Université de Batna 1 History, Philosophy, Theology / History

histoire moderne et contemporaine|
32 19 0.594 64 26 0.406 3119 1130 0.362

607 1060 129425 Thaddeus Metz University of Pretoria History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy

African Philosophy|Comparative Philosophy|Meaning of Life|Ethics|Political Philosophy|
30 26 0.867 77 59 0.766 4482 3191 0.712

675 1197 138946 Gerald West University of Kwazulu Natal History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology

29 16 0.552 93 34 0.366 3562 1239 0.348

216 1215 140663 Nawal Ahmed Cairo University History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy

29 24 0.828 88 63 0.716 3078 1996 0.648

792 1462 157481 Yusef Waghid Stellenbosch University History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy

Philosophy of Education|
27 21 0.778 83 48 0.578 3123 1812 0.580

844 1588 165577 Isabel Hofmeyr University of the Witwatersrand History, Philosophy, Theology / History

Postcolonial literary studies|print culture|book history|oceanic studies|Indian Ocean studies|
26 19 0.731 60 30 0.500 3938 1741 0.442

863 1630 168496 Peter Delius University of the Witwatersrand History, Philosophy, Theology / History

African History|
26 15 0.577 42 19 0.452 2800 749 0.268

139 1799 176984 Ogbu Kalu University of Nigeria History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology

25 16 0.640 59 29 0.492 3512 1521 0.433

933 1811 177896 Nigel Worden University of Cape Town History, Philosophy, Theology / History

18th and early 19th century Cape history|early modern Indian Ocean history|
25 16 0.640 43 21 0.488 3093 1035 0.335

1031 2043 191228 Peter Alexander University of Johannesburg History, Philosophy, Theology / History

Social and political change|African studies|comparative labour history|
24 16 0.667 39 23 0.590 2615 1489 0.569

65 2056 191686 JNK Mugambi University of Nairobi History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy

Phenomenology of Religion|Philosophy of Religion|Contemporary Religious Thought|Applied Ethics|
24 16 0.667 50 29 0.580 2529 1223 0.484

1045 2075 192994 Alois Mlambo University of Pretoria History, Philosophy, Theology / History

African history|
24 18 0.750 40 28 0.700 2330 1326 0.569

1047 2079 193152 Ernst M. Conradie University of the Western Cape History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology

Systematic theology|ecotheology|ecumenical theology|
24 17 0.708 62 37 0.597 2309 1234 0.534

1 2279 200957 Neldo Marcelino

Universidade Líºrio History, Philosophy, Theology / History

23 15 0.652 33 24 0.727 4731 1498 0.317

1143 2334 205361 Vivian Bickford-Smith University of Cape Town History, Philosophy, Theology / History

South African History|Ethnicity and Nationalism|Film and History|Urban History|
23 16 0.696 38 21 0.553 2313 812 0.351

1248 2618 220821 Harilaos Tsikos Rhodes University History, Philosophy, Theology / History

Geochemistry|Ore Deposits|Earth History|
22 17 0.773 32 24 0.750 2037 1114 0.547

1282 2738 226451 Lance Van Sittert University of Cape Town History, Philosophy, Theology / History

Environmental History|19th and 20th Century South Africa|
22 14 0.636 40 19 0.475 1559 617 0.396

1455 3305 253230 Philip Higgs University of South Africa History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy

Philosophy of Education|Higher Education|
20 15 0.750 44 22 0.500 1824 834 0.457

1564 3601 264074 Ernest Van Eck University of Pretoria History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology

New Testament|
20 17 0.850 44 40 0.909 1133 820 0.724

1579 3667 266571 Lucy Allais University of the Witwatersrand History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy

19 15 0.789 23 18 0.783 4080 1675 0.411

1588 3693 268951 Carolyn Hamilton University of Cape Town History, Philosophy, Theology / History

History|Critical Archival Theory|Methodology and Archives|
19 13 0.684 34 17 0.500 2203 757 0.344

1603 3732 271606 Goolam Vahed University of Kwazulu Natal History, Philosophy, Theology / History

Indian Diaspora|Islam in South Africa|Sports History|Citizenship|Transnationalism|
19 14 0.737 40 19 0.475 1746 879 0.503

1635 3829 275640 Johan Cilliers Stellenbosch University History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology

19 12 0.632 45 21 0.467 1435 728 0.507

1655 3879 277700 Keith Breckenridge University of the Witwatersrand History, Philosophy, Theology / History

History|South Africa|Biometrics|States|Gold Mining|
19 13 0.684 25 21 0.840 1331 771 0.579

433 3899 278622 Emmanuel Olugbade Ojo University of Ilorin History, Philosophy, Theology / History

19 15 0.789 31 22 0.710 1288 802 0.623

193 4071 283961 Cherif Zerroukhi
Université de Sétif 2 History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy

19 12 0.632 33 15 0.455 1048 524 0.500

1711 4089 284467 Sive Masawe University of Fort Hare History, Philosophy, Theology / History

historical information|
19 16 0.842 32 21 0.656 1020 604 0.592

198 4194 290063 Yamina Benseghir Université de Ghardaia History, Philosophy, Theology / History

18 11 0.611 32 15 0.469 1943 613 0.315

514 4358 298059 Chinwokwu Emmanuel Nlenanya University of Nigeria History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology

New Testament Theology|African Christology|Greek|Social Justice|Contemporary Ethical Issues.|
18 13 0.722 27 17 0.630 1257 577 0.459

1788 4388 298866 Philippe Denis University of Kwazulu Natal History, Philosophy, Theology / History

History of Christianity|Oral History|Memory Studies|
18 10 0.556 40 10 0.250 1223 404 0.330

1814 4499 302990 Patricia Hayes University of the Western Cape History, Philosophy, Theology / History

African history|photography|visual studies|gender studies|
18 11 0.611 29 14 0.483 1071 422 0.394

1819 4513 303225 Rebecca Hodes University of Cape Town History, Philosophy, Theology / History

History of Medicine|History of South Africa|
18 16 0.889 28 23 0.821 1062 894 0.842

1822 4524 303517 Asonzeh Ukah University of Cape Town History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology

Religious Urbanism|African Pentecostalism|Religion and Media|African Religions|
18 12 0.667 23 15 0.652 1052 589 0.560

1866 4742 309618 David Spurrett University of Kwazulu Natal History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy

Philosophy of Cognitive Science|Philosophy of Science|Addiction|Self-control|Physicalism|
17 12 0.706 23 16 0.696 7293 2886 0.396

1894 4847 316762 Clive Glaser University of the Witwatersrand History, Philosophy, Theology / History

modern South African history|immigration|sexuality|youth|
17 12 0.706 22 15 0.682 1367 544 0.398

627 4966 321142 Ayodeji Olukoju. University of Lagos History, Philosophy, Theology / History

Maritime History|Economic History|Social History|
17 10 0.588 36 13 0.361 1151 432 0.375

1934 4993 322152 Cornel Du Toit University of South Africa History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology

science and religion|consciousness studies|metaphysics|
17 10 0.588 36 10 0.278 1113 345 0.310

1944 5034 323710 Gert J Steyn University of Pretoria History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology

Septuagint studies|Philo|Hebrews|Luke-Acts|Matthew|
17 16 0.941 44 36 0.818 1061 700 0.660

640 5035 323711 Abubakar Zaria Ibrahim Ahmadu Bello University History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy

Ethical Theory and Social History|
17 13 0.765 36 21 0.583 1061 633 0.597

1945 5039 323942 Rika Preiser Stellenbosch University History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy

social-ecological systems|complex adaptive systems|philosophy|ethics|resilience|
17 15 0.882 20 20 1.000 1055 930 0.882

1953 5069 324728 Malan Nel University of Pretoria History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology

Congregational Studies|Youth Ministry|Christian Education|Evangelism|Leadership|
17 11 0.647 34 14 0.412 1030 451 0.438

1192 5089 325165 Mi Wanas Cairo University History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy

Geometrization Philosophy|Geometric Field Theories and Applications.|
17 10 0.588 25 11 0.440 1018 279 0.274

2051 5489 338177 Andries Van Aarde University of Pretoria History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology

Gospel Studies|Pauline Studies|Historical Jesus Research|Hermeneutics|
16 11 0.688 53 12 0.226 1617 581 0.359

2085 5633 345126 Jeremy Punt Stellenbosch University History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology

Biblical hermeneutics|
16 9 0.563 44 8 0.182 1100 533 0.485

2105 5709 347816 Cas Wepener Stellenbosch University History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology

Liturgy|Ritual|Homiletics|Practical Theology|
16 13 0.813 37 17 0.459 1010 606 0.600


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