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HomeEuropeEurope Scientist and University History, Philosophy, Theology Rankings 2021

Europe Scientist and University History, Philosophy, Theology Rankings 2021

Total 1.439 scientist, 34 country, 453 university

AD Scientific Index – 2021 H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name  Country  University  Subject  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total 
123 809 2308 8270 Luciano Floridi
United Kingdom
University of Oxford History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
AI Ethics|Data Ethics|Digital Ethics|Information Ethics|Philosophy of Information|
84 58 0.690 203 178 0.877 25198 15971 0.634
65 888 2527 9075 Stefan J Wagner
United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland
King’s College London History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
Philosophy|Psychology|Psychiatry|Medicine|Behavioural Economics|
82 37 0.451 100 77 0.770 21207 4318 0.204
15 1503 4513 15837 Andy Clark
United Kingdom
University of Sussex History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
Philosophy|Cognitive Science|
69 50 0.725 172 109 0.634 46396 19385 0.418
12 325 5740 19985 Sven Ove Hansson
Royal Institute of Technology History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
65 35 0.538 256 156 0.609 15156 6022 0.397
282 2069 6461 22437 Timothy Williamson
United Kingdom
University of Oxford History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
Philosophy|Logic|Epistemology|Metaphysics|Philosophy of Language|
62 42 0.677 183 122 0.667 27655 11514 0.416
42 113 6871 23830 Maria Asenjo Gonzalez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid History, Philosophy, Theology / History
61 34 0.557 425 202 0.475 18259 7066 0.387
57 158 9409 31937 José Luis García Ruiz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid History, Philosophy, Theology / History
Historia de la Empresa|Historia Financiera|
55 36 0.655 425 179 0.421 28963 9561 0.330
408 3350 11156 37552 John Broome
United Kingdom
University of Oxford History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
52 32 0.615 96 65 0.677 19687 10401 0.528
127 757 12595 42172 Birgit Meyer
Netherlands, Kingdom of the
Utrecht University History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology
50 39 0.780 88 72 0.818 11818 5275 0.446
446 3880 13179 43945 Nick Bostrom
United Kingdom
University of Oxford History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
Philosophy|Artificial Intelligence|Ethics|Future Technology|
49 42 0.857 91 76 0.835 18111 11841 0.654
50 4074 13948 46421 Mary Morgan
United Kingdom
London School of Economics and Political Science History, Philosophy, Theology / History
history and philosophy of social sciences and …|
48 32 0.667 92 59 0.641 14387 5499 0.382
85 4289 14804 49115 John Dupre
United Kingdom
University of Exeter History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
Philosophy of Biology|Philosophy of Science|Philosophy|Metaphysics|
47 31 0.660 108 68 0.630 11542 4277 0.371
108 262 14822 49168 Jose Cepeda Gomez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid History, Philosophy, Theology / History
Historia Social|Historia Política|Historia Militar|
47 31 0.660 248 114 0.460 11061 5059 0.457
53 4478 15645 51648 Ezequiel Di Paolo
United Kingdom
University of Sussex History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
philosophy of mind|embodied cognitive science|enaction|intersubjectivity|complex systems|
46 36 0.783 115 66 0.574 11826 6101 0.516
183 1022 17388 56959 Johan Schot
Utrecht University History, Philosophy, Theology / History
Deep Transitions|History of Technology|Sustainability Transitions|Strategic Niche Management|Multi-Level Perspective|
44 33 0.750 87 64 0.736 23692 12674 0.535
58 2146 17511 57422 Thomas Metzinger
Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
Cognitives Science|Philosophy of Mind|Consciousness|Self-consciousness|Applied Ethics|
44 33 0.750 87 64 0.736 10865 4942 0.455
528 4978 17629 57820 Jeff McMahan
United Kingdom
University of Oxford History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy 44 33 0.750 111 86 0.775 9128 4422 0.484
541 5043 17843 58501 Martin Davies
United Kingdom
University of Oxford History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
Philosophy|Cognitive Science|Psychology|
44 22 0.500 88 49 0.557 7658 1839 0.240
141 374 18596 60765 Ilkka Niiniluoto
University of Helsinki History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
philosophy of science|logic|
43 22 0.512 147 53 0.361 10135 2834 0.280
149 1095 18804 61333 Hans Landström
Lund University History, Philosophy, Theology / History
History of entrepreneurship|interestingness|entrepreneurial finance|business angels|crowdfunding|
43 30 0.698 84 54 0.643 8171 3478 0.426
47 2320 18963 61756 Detlef Pollack
Universität Münster History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology
43 24 0.558 130 61 0.469 7392 2603 0.352
52 2344 19104 62193 Sybille Krämer
Freie Universität Berlin History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
Philosophie der Medien|Erkenntnistheorie|Digitalisierung|
43 28 0.651 87 55 0.632 6847 2702 0.395
41 2351 19142 62309 Gert Pickel
Universität Leipzig History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology
Politikwissenschaft|Sociology of Religion|Comparative Politics|Religion and Politics|Political Culture|
43 27 0.628 124 73 0.589 6694 3059 0.457
21 5603 20271 65743 Chris O Hunt
United Kingdom
Liverpool John Moores University History, Philosophy, Theology / History
Ancient human environments and impact|Quaternary Environmental Change|Palynology|Molluscs|Palaeoecology|
42 24 0.571 141 72 0.511 6498 2523 0.388
311 5758 20974 67862 David Papineau
United Kingdom
King’s College London History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
41 26 0.634 104 59 0.567 9302 3076 0.331
175 5857 21329 68931 Steven French
United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland
University of Leeds History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
philosophy of science|metaphysics|
41 27 0.659 93 53 0.570 6925 2729 0.394
116 3250 22508 72451 Maurizio Ferraris
Italy, Italian Republic
Università degli Studi di Torino History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
Filosofia Teoretica|Ontologia Sociale|Ermeneutica|Documentalità|
40 27 0.675 101 65 0.644 7105 3063 0.431
2 2927 23980 77081 Joerg Ruepke
Universität Erfurt History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology
Classics|Roman religion|urban religion|Theory of religion|
39 26 0.667 134 85 0.634 6204 3465 0.559
205 3969 26561 84637 Corrado Sinigaglia
Università degli Studi di Milano History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
Philosophy of Science|Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience|Cognitive Neuroscience|Social Cognition|Mirror Neurons|
37 31 0.838 61 52 0.852 10878 5173 0.476
8 162 26737 85167 Tim Crane
Central European University Budapest History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
Philosophy of mind|metaphysics|
37 28 0.757 61 46 0.754 7571 2862 0.378
213 7088 26891 85639 David Clines
United Kingdom
University of Sheffield History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology
Hebrew Bible|Old Testament|Hebrew language|ideology|masculinity|
37 18 0.486 127 47 0.370 6581 2229 0.339
12 7093 26899 85660 Peter Osborne
United Kingdom
Kingston University London History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
philosophy|crititical theory|art|
37 23 0.622 81 52 0.642 6547 2781 0.425
147 1498 27223 86645 Bert Van Oers
Netherlands, Kingdom of the
VU University of Amsterdam History, Philosophy, Theology / History
CHAT|early childhood education|play|mathematics education|
37 26 0.703 99 63 0.636 5489 2347 0.428
17 875 28231 89686 Patrick Blackburn
Roskilde University History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
36 16 0.444 63 29 0.460 10166 2449 0.241
37 236 28349 90101 Владимир Петрухин
National Research University Higher School of Economics History, Philosophy, Theology / History
история средних веков|археология|иудаика|
36 0 0.000 85 47 0.553 7633 2965 0.388
142 618 29760 94227 Mark Coeckelbergh
Universität Wien History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
philosophy of technology|ethics|
36 31 0.861 74 66 0.892 3800 3000 0.789
157 7717 29797 94343 Sabina Leonelli
United Kingdom
University of Exeter History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
philosophy and history of science|social studies of science and technology|data science|plant science|philosophy of biology|
36 29 0.806 65 57 0.877 3700 2829 0.765
9 251 30012 95015 Алексей Владимирович Кузнецов
Russian University of Economics G V Plekhanov History, Philosophy, Theology / History
история экономики|клиодинамика|
35 0 0.000 221 83 0.376 9122 4002 0.439
1 498 30229 95711 Suraiya Faroqhi

Ibn Haldun University History, Philosophy, Theology / History
Osmanlı Tarihi|Sosyal Tarih|Kentsel Üretim ve Tüketim|
35 21 0.600 90 47 0.522 6470 2346 0.363
268 1658 30816 97469 Robert Van Rooij
University of Amsterdam History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
semantiek|pragmatiek|logic|philosophical logic|language evolution|
35 23 0.657 79 51 0.646 4768 1786 0.375
288 1662 30837 97516 Jaap Mansfeld
Utrecht University History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
history of ancient philosophy|
35 20 0.571 86 46 0.535 4745 1738 0.366
124 1705 32031 100962 Peter Paul Verbeek
University of Twente History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
philosophy of technology|responsible design|ethics of technology|postphenomenology|technological mediation|
34 28 0.824 59 50 0.847 7412 4472 0.603
304 863 32107 101226 Stathis Psillos
Greece, Hellenic Republic
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
philosophy|philosophy of science|metaphysics|history of philosophy of science|
34 25 0.735 74 52 0.703 6660 2867 0.430
119 8290 32308 101821 Christopher Dyer
United Kingdom
University of Leicester History, Philosophy, Theology / History
34 19 0.559 68 39 0.574 5671 1776 0.313
128 673 32553 102556 Bernabé López García
Spain, Kingdom of
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid History, Philosophy, Theology / History
Marruecos|Magreb|mundo árabe|inmigración marroquí|
34 19 0.559 124 48 0.387 5020 1887 0.376
4 569 32698 102958 Ahmet Özdemir 2
Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology
34 25 0.735 102 78 0.765 4753 2720 0.572
800 8405 32801 103275 Guy Kahane
United Kingdom
University of Oxford History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
34 30 0.882 62 56 0.903 4569 3152 0.690
4 296 33417 105078 Низами Мамедов
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
философия науки и техники|философия культуры|философия образования|
34 0 0.000 70 34 0.486 3818 1279 0.335
510 8674 34058 106830 Simon Szreter
United Kingdom
University of Cambridge History, Philosophy, Theology / History
history|public health|policy|reproduction|demography|
33 26 0.788 66 39 0.591 10012 3707 0.370
194 1998 35277 110612 Valentin Goranko
Stockholm University History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
Logic|Multi-agent Systems|Game Theory|Artificial Intelligence|Logic in Computer Science|
33 19 0.576 72 36 0.500 3941 1281 0.325


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